Monday, June 11, 2007

Progress Report

They are growing up so fast. Adding new accomplishments to their repertoire each day. Here are some recent highlights:

~ Took 5 consecutive steps by herself today
~ Clearly said "Dora" when she saw a picture of Dora today
~ Clearly said "Agua" last week when I prompted her (Ann is my witness)

~ Got herself completely dressed this morning (almost by herself)
~ Is starting to understand past vs. present. She talks about "last day" which makes sense since we say "last night".
~ Understands relationships. She told me out of the blue the other day "You are Dadda's wife, I am Dadda's daughter, and Mari is Dadda's daughter". Nice Job Calli! And when I call my parents and she hears me say "Hi Mom" or "Hi Dad" she understands that it is Grandma or Grandpa.
~ Is testing my patience . . . Today, for the first time ever, she got 3 consecutive time outs = She was in the quiet chair for 9 minutes. She got the first one for being whiny and demanding. While sitting in the quiet chair, she pushed Mari down, and later hit Mari.
As is our method, after the time out we explain to her what she did wrong, make her apologize, and say she won't do it again. And then we hug her and say we love her. I was explaining all 3 offenses, "We don't fuss", "We don't hit Mari", and "We don't push Mari". I explained further, "You have to listen to Mamma" and I was about to say "You have to obey." I said "Calli, you have to - " and she cuts in with "be prepared". I have no idea where she got that - and it cracked me up. Which was a good way to hug her, and laugh with her, and remind her that I will always love her.

Rules to live by:
Don't fuss, don't push, don't hit, listen to your mom, and be prepared! LOL.

1 comment:

JulieAnn said...

Calli could be a good Coast Guard girl - their motto is Semper Paratus - always ready :) or a Boy Scout - aren't they always prepared?
Love you guys!