Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hear our prayers - Part II

Tonight, I put Mari to bed first, instead of Calli - who normally goes down first. So Calli was there when I put Mari in her bed and said goodnight. And even though we pray for Calli every night, I haven't started praying for Mari regularly yet.

So as I am about to leave, Calli says "Wait Mamma, we have to pray for Mariella." We stop, and Calli starts to pray. I couldn't make out all of it - but it went something like this:

"Thank you for Mariella.
Bless her -
Give her sweet dreams -
. . . your Spirit . . .
. . . Lord . . .

Calli, you are a blessing from the Lord. God is already using you to bless your sister and me as well!

1 comment:

Ricardo said...

Calli is already choosing the things of God. I have nothing else to ask for.