Thursday, June 28, 2007

Krispy Kremes!!

So we found ourselves in Rosemont tonight, and decided to stop for donuts at Krispy Kreme. And since the "Hot Now" light was on, we got to see them making the donuts, not to mention we each got a free sample - hot off the line.

Some nice cold milk to wash it down - what more could you ask for??

Calli wanted chocolate - but the original are my favorite by far!!

The girls were a little wired - but happy on the way home!


Grandma G said...

Oh, that's cruel!!! To post Krispy Kremes right in front of me!! My mouth is watering!!!!! I want some for breakfast!! ;-) I vote with Calli on the chocolate!

What's with the little trail of pieces in front of Mari? Does she have to have to follow the pieces to get to the drink? ;-)


P.S. Nice goin' with the braces, Rich! I got mine at age 43... one of the best decisions I've ever made! :-D

Jen said...

Sorry - I didn't mean to tease you.

And you are wrong - original glazed is the best!

I like the trail idea - we've never tried that, but maybe it would work . . .