Sunday, June 24, 2007

Eleven Years!!

For our 11 year anniversary, I *surprised* Rich, and took him on a romantic weekend to Lake Geneva. Much thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for staying with the girls!!
(Not a complete surprise because of work meetings, canceled flights, etc. . .)

One of the highlights was the "Walk and Gawk". Apparently, property owners around the lake are legally bound to maintain a path around the lake, and to allow people to walk through their property. It is a great walk - not to mention a great way to see some amazing homes, or should I say estates!

Us ~ on our walk . . .

We also discovered electronic darts. Who would have thought they were so much fun! We started off - just trying to figure out the scoring and objective. (We were playing some game where you started with 301 pts and tried to be the first to get to Zero - exactly.) We ended up deciding to put them in our basement - should we ever have a basement. We played 3 matches - each match being best of three games. I won!!! but not by much.

An amazing sunset!


JulieAnn said...

Very nice! Congratulations on 11 years!
Good job on the darts :)
I like that halter you're wearing in the first pictures - very cute!

ktb said...

you should play cricket sometime too - its a fun darts game! and yes that halter is cute!