Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Talk to me

While we were at Grandma's house, Calli threw a baseball in the house after I had asked her not to. Nothing broke, but I told her she would need to sit in the "quiet chair" (our name for time-out) because she did not obey. She found a chair and sat down. But being away from home, I didn't have easy access to a timer to set.

I was playing with Mari, and getting ready to go out. So a few minutes went by. Calli was still in the chair, but I had forgotten she was there for a reason. I sat down in front of her, and she said "Mamma, talk to me".

I thought, that is a new request. But maybe she just wants some attention. So I said "Hello Calli, How are you?".

"No" she said. "Say to me 'We do not throw the ball'". I started laughing so hard. I had completely forgot she was still in the quiet chair, but she had my speach all prepared.

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