Sunday, August 19, 2007

Things My Girls Have Said

Calli: "I'm washing my hands. I am washing the danger off my hands, Mamma."
Me: "What? What do you have on your hands?"
Calli: "Danger"
Me: "Is it from the toast? That is cinnamon."
Calli: "I have cinnamon on my hands, so I have to wash them"

Mari (losing her balance while walking) "I-fall"

Calli was in the car, telling Rich and I something, but we couldn't follow her.
Me: "What is it Calli?"
Calli: "I don't know what I'm talking about" - she laughs :)

Mari: "Ba-pa" "Ba-pa" for "Backpack" when the Dora Backpack song starts playing.


JulieAnn said...

I fall?

Maybe she's been around an iPhone too much ;) or maybe she's going to be the next Steve Jobs and create new technology for her papa.

Grandma G said...

Gee, have your girls quit saying and doing things???

I miss you!! :-)